ELM327 Compatibility
- In this section you can easily check vehicles compatibility with OBD2 ELM327 devices. It can also be used as a guide for other generic OBD2 devices since the compatibilities will be more or less similar.
- Do not forget to read the FINAL part of this article. That is a very important information.
- If you want to see the test modes compatibility just click on the one you want. If you need to know more about the test modes click on this link.

Model | Engine | Year | Fuel | Cv | Protocol |
- If your vehicle is in this list but still, when you try to communicate with the vehicle ECU, it indicates that it is not compatible do not lose hope yet. It is very possible that this SOLUTION works for you.
- This database has not 100% of accuracy, maybe 95% or more. Maybe a vehicle can be in this list and not be compatible with your ELM327, with more reason if your ELM327 is 2.1 version. This list was created with ELM327 1.5 version for several years.
- Remember that the ELM327 2.1 version is NOT compatible with SAE J1850 communication protocols (neither PWM nor VPN). If you are interested in this device you should know that although the vehicle appears in the database you should be aware of the protocol used. If the protocol is one of those mentioned, the vehicle's ECU will NOT be compatible with ELM327 version 2.1.
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