My OBD2 device does not connect to the ECU

- Sometimes, when this happens, it does not directly imply that the vehicle is not compatible. Usually the software is configured to test the connection protocols automatically and always in the same order. This can cause it to remain in a closed loop trying to connect to an inappropriate protocol. Most of the time, when this happen, we will see indicators going on meaningless on the dashboard.

- This is not a solution that works in 100% of cases because it can happen that the vehicle isn't compatible, however no harm to try. The first thing to know is which OBD2 connection protocol is right for the vehicle. We can easily know it by looking for it in the database of compatible vehicles.

- Next we will have to correctly configure the protocol in the program that we are using, changing it from automatic to the one indicated in the database. If after manually indicating the proper protocol we can't connect to the ECU we can say for sure that the ECU and that OBD2 device are not compatible.

- Recently, on the youtube channel, a girl had this problem with a "BMW 316i 105cv 1.9cc year 1999" and using the program Torque. This answer worked completely:

  • Try by entering "Torque configuration menu" in the "Vehicle profile" menu and, at the bottom, change the connection protocol mode from "automatic" to "ISO 14230-4 (fast init, 10.4 kbaud)".

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